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Club News

Commodore Update 1/28/25

Kim Bagnoni | Published on 1/28/2025

Volunteers Are Needed: 
1) Need individuals to spread pine straw, during the week is best, or over the weekends. 
2) Need individuals to help install new shore anchors for the docks.  Working with Jack, we will be mixing 60 lb bags of concrete and filling anchor holes with approx. 12 bags per hole.  Again, during the week is best, or over the weekend.  Text Jack Gimble 706-305-7357 if you can help and he will coordinate the workdays.

Drive Carefully when approaching the Army Corps of Engineers clearing near our entrance gate.  Soon, the large debris trucks we are all familiar with will be crossing our road, 7 days per week during daylight hours for about 4 months.  We asked the COE to post caution signs to warn their trucks when they approach the Sailing Club Road crossing.  But even so, I’m sure these trucks are bigger than your truck, so please slow down, and look both ways before crossing.

Another ASC Town Hall is being scheduled in mid-February.  This is planned to be a thorough review of our recovery plans and recovery financing with a member vote on financing options.  I encourage voting members to attend in person, but the meeting will also be streamed via Zoom.  Stay tuned for more details.