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HomeClub Awards

Gilbert Lacy Klemann Award for Service:

The Service Award is presented by the Commodore to an ASC member or members who have unselfishly given themselves to the betterment of the Club or made a significant contribution to the Club or the sport of sailing. The award is not necessarily presented to a member each year and in some years, there may be more than one winner. The name of the recipient is displayed proudly on a permanent trophy in the Club's trophy case. The award is presented at the Club's annual meeting. Past recipients include:

1989 Bennie Moultrie 2006 Richard Mayne
1990 Walton Usher 2007 Jeff Annis
1991 Max D. Miller 2009 William "Bill" Collins
1992 Graeme Addie 2010 Dale Demyan
1995  Dick Mayne 2011 Robert E. Harkrider
1996 Charles Burkelman 2013 Daniel West
1997 Ed Joy 2017 Tim Buss
1998 Gilbert Samuelson 2018 Bob Williams
1999 Don Putnam & Family 2020 Kim and Dan Bagnoni
2000 Ed Durant 2021 Michael Gaines
2002 "Red" Elinefield 2022 Mark Yarbrough
2003 Jim Paschal 2023  Greg Hatcher
2005 Jim Holder    

Hardin Award for Sportsmanship:

The Sportsmanship Award is presented by the Commodore to an ASC member or members who have through their actions demonstrated the values of sportsmanship and the Corinthian spirit in an exemplary way. The award is not necessarily presented to a member each year and in some years, there may be more than one winner. The name of the recipient would be displayed proudly on a permanent trophy in the Club's trophy case, but this trophy has been lost (if you know where this trophy is please let someone on the Board know). The award is presented at the Club's annual meeting. Past recipients include:

1992   2010  
1995    2011  
1996   2013 Dale Demyan
1997   2018 Daniel West
1998   2022 Eli Putnam
1999   2023 Jay Hopkins
2003 Richard Mayne    

Club Anchors


2017 Graeme Addie    
2018 Jim Claffey    
2020 Dick Mayne    
2020 Mike Walsh
2022 Dan West    


ASC Cruiser of the Year Award

(Sponsored by Ed Durant and Justin Annis.) The Cruiser of the Year Award recognizes the ASC member or member couple who embraces or, by example, personifies non-competitive sailing (cruising). The member or member couple will have participated in local or blue-water cruising, entertained in a cruising environment, embarked on a cruising lifestyle, provided coaching during cruising, derived joy from cruising and/or imparted enthusiasm for cruising. Special consideration is given for organizing, enrolling and/or participation in the club events that promote cruising. Additional consideration is given to participation in the cruiser racing fleet, acknowledging the value of racing as a means to improve sailing skills and decision making under sail. The award is presented at the Club's annual meeting. Award is based on membership vote administrated by the Commodore and is not necessarily awarded every year. The award is presented at the Annual Dinner and the winner’s name(s) are memorialized on a plaque on permanent display in the clubhouse. Past recipients include:

2010 Tony & Brenda Coy 2017 Bob & Sharon Harkrider 
2011 Greg & Rhonda Hatcher 2018 Jay and Rene Hopkins
2012 Bob & Becky Hopkins 2019 Johnnie and Micky Poole
2013 Tony & Brenda Coy 2022 Jeff and Hollie Hart
2014  Bob & Becky Hopkins    
2015 Bob & Margaret Centers    
2016 Harry Garcia    

The “Pottie” Award

The Pottie Award is presented by the Commodore to an ASC member or members who have intentionally or by accident produced a result that in retrospect might not be considered well-reasoned. Special consideration to social indiscretions are made along with plain bad luck. The award is not necessarily presented to a member each year and in some years, there may be more than one winner. The name of the recipient is displayed proudly on a permanent trophy in the Club's trophy case. The award is presented at the Club's annual meeting. Past recipients include:

1986 Steve & Dorothy Hennick 2002 Craig Robnick
1987 Carl Muska 2003 Bob Harkrider
1988 Jeff Annis 2005 Mike Konesky
1989 Jeff Annis 2007 Bennie Moultrie
1990 John Wulk 2017 Bob Harkrider
1991 W. Usher, E. Durant & R. Mayne 2018 Palmer Russell
1992 Dickie Thompson 2019 Dan West
1993 Bob & Dorothy Williams 2020 Phil Peavler
1995 Jeff Annis, Bob Harkrider 2023 Jim & Pete Claffey
1996 Phil Cox    
1997 Frank Brewster
1999 Jim Paschal
2000 Ed Joy