The Commodore is the chief executive officer of the Club and in addition to responsibilities described in the Bylaws and House & Ground Rules is responsible for:
- Undertaking the overall organization, oversight and leadership of the Club.
- Signing and executing all written contracts and obligations of the Club.
- Presiding over Club meetings.
- Acting as Chairman of the Board of Governors.
- Representing the Club with other organizations such as SARYA.
- Appointing the Nominating Committee and committees not otherwise provided for.
- Preparing the annual budget with the assistance of the Treasurer.
- Enforcing the rules and regulations of the Club.
- Evaluating the performance of the Caretaker/Resident Manager.
- The Commodore is an ex-officio member of all committees.
Vice Commodore
Reports to the Commodore and is responsible for:
- Assisting the Commodore in the discharge of the Commodore’s duties.
- Officiating in the absence of the Commodore.
- Preparing, posting and maintaining the Club event calendar.
- Acting as Event Chairman for the Halloween Regatta.
- Maintaining record of member Service Hours.
- Auditing the control of key Club documents.
- The Vice Commodore is an ex-officio member of all committees.
- The Vice Commodore has primary responsibility for the Club’s racing and social programs and events.
- The Vice Commodore is responsible for all the organizational positions listed in Appendix B that report to the Vice Commodore. The Vice Commodore may fill these positions in whole or in part or not at all as need dictates and may accomplish any of the listed duties without assistance.
Rear Commodore
Reports to the Commodore and is responsible for:
- Assisting the Commodore and the Vice Commodore in the discharge of their duties.
- Officiating in the absence of the Commodore and Vice Commodore.
- The Rear Commodore has primary responsibility for the Club’s facilities and grounds.
- The Rear Commodore is responsible for all the organizational positions listed in Appendix B that report to the Rear Commodore. The Rear Commodore may fill these positions in whole or in part or not at all as need dictates and may accomplish any of the listed duties without assistance.
Reports to the Commodore and is responsible for:
- Preparing minutes of the official business of the Club from board, annual and other meetings.
- Updating any changes to Bylaws or House and Grounds Rules.
- Preparing correspondence directed by the Commodore or Board of Governors.
- Maintaining records in good order of the proceedings of the Club.
- Providing safekeeping of the key documents of the Club including Bylaws, House and Ground Rules including Appendix, minutes, correspondence, etc.
- Administering the procedure for rental of the Club facilities for private events.
Reports to the Commodore and is responsible for:
- Overseeing the preparation of member billing at the beginning of each quarter.
- Overseeing the collection of all fees, dues, assessments and other indebtedness to the Club.
- Interacting with members about overdue accounts.
- Maintaining the Schedule of Fees & Dues and making an annual report to the Board in the first quarter with recommendations for adjustments and approval.
- Keeping all funds of the Club in bank accounts in the name of the Club and depositing all moneys received.
- Keeping a proper accounting of all income and expenses of the Club.
- Paying all bills that have been properly authorized in the budget or by special appropriation with Board approval.
- Signing checks.
- Making a monthly report to the Board and members with written financial statements.
- Managing credit card use.
- Assisting the Commodore in the preparation of the annual budget.
- Supervising and interacting with the Bookkeeper.
- Preparing records in order to file tax returns including year end financial statements.
- Nominating members for the Financial Review Committee in the forth quarter of the year.
- Monitoring all LRP and land use proposals to ensure compliance with Conservation Use Program. See Article 26.
- Safekeeping the financial records of the Club.
- Performing other financially related activities at the request of the Commodore or the Board.
- The Treasurer monitors the financial condition and financial policies of the Club and recommends action to the Commodore or to the B
Past Commodore
Reports to the Commodore and is responsible for:
- Acting as a resource to the Board.
- Completing special projects at the request of the Commodore or the Board.
- Acting as the primary source of information about the Club to prospective members.
- Guiding new member applicants through the membership application process.
- Sending welcome letter to new members with a new member packet including the access code, Bylaws, House and Ground Rules, calendar, membership roster, and/or instructions on how to obtain this information.
- Taking an active role in introducing new members to events, socials etc.
- Arranging for the publication of the official list of Club membership during the first quarter of the year.
- Making monthly reports to the Board on membership changes and status.
Caretaker/Resident Manager
Reports to the Commodore and is responsible for:
- Duties defined in Article 13 of the House & Ground Rules.
- Duties defined in the contract with the Caretaker/Resident Manager.
- No duties or tasks shall be assigned to the Caretaker/ Resident Manager without the approval of the Commodore.
- The Caretaker/Resident Manager is a paid position.
Reports to the Commodore and is responsible for:
- Acting as chairman of the Dock Authority which manages the six cruising docks, two courtesy docks, the slips and the moorings in accordance with the House and Ground Rules, Appendix F.
- Refer to Dock Authority below.
Starboard Tack Editor
Reports to the Commodore and is responsible for:
- Establishing with the Commodore, at the beginning of the year, the schedule for
the Starboard Tack. Normally, all materials are to be received by the editor by the
18th of the month with website posting and distributing (mailing or emailing) by the
25th of the month.
- Receiving and editing information from members and other sources for inclusion
in the Starboard Tack.
- Posting the Starboard Tack to the website.
- Printing and mailing the Starboard Tack to members as requested.
Reports to the Commodore and is responsible for:
- Maintaining the Club website.
- Posting information relevant to the Club’s activities, events, programs and proceedings.
Fleet Captain
Reports to the Vice Commodore and is responsible for:
- The conduct of all competitive sailing activities at the Club.
- Organizing racing events including notice of race, sailing instructions, registration forms with waivers and Race Committee.
- Maintaining and managing a permanent Race Committee and serving as its Chairman. In the absence of a permanent Race Committee or to supplement the permanent Race Committee, the Fleet Captain administers a program of providing Race Committee personnel for racing events.
- Race, regatta and series scoring activities.
- Administering the certification of PHRF ratings.
- Maintaining Race Committee supplies and equipment including inventory, repair/replacement and proper storage.
- Supplying information on racing activities to the Starboard Tack Editor.
- Assisting the Vice Commodore in preparing the annual Club calendar.
- Establishing the method of determining the Club Champion.
- When an Event Chairman is assigned for a racing event or series the Event Chairman shall assume all or part of the Fleet Captain's responsibilities as determined by the Fleet Captain or Vice Commodore.
Powerboat Chair
Reports to the Vice Commodore and is responsible for:
- The maintenance and upkeep of the Club owned powerboats.
- Ensuring compliance with registration and safety regulations.
- Establishing and administering rules and procedures for the use of the powerboats.
- Determining the suitability of the powerboats and effecting improvements, requesting funds if required. The powerboats are primarily used for Race Committee activities.
- A report on the condition of the powerboats shall be made to the Board annually (usually during the first quarter of the year) through the Vice Commodore.
- The work of carrying out these responsibilities can be performed by the chairman, Club members, contract labor or the Caretaker as determined by the chairman.
Event Chair
Reports to the Vice Commodore and is responsible for:
- Securing the services of the personnel to conduct the registration, meal
service, entertainment and other activities off the water.
- Preparing a budget for the event consistent with Board approved event
budget, including prices to be charged for entry, meals, etc.
- Coordinating any racing plans with the Fleet Captain including
organization, notice of race, sailing instructions and Race Committee.
- Providing the appropriate publicity and pre-registration for the event
through the Starboard Tack editor or otherwise.
- Providing the food and supplies for the event which are not inventoried in
the Club storeroom.
- Leaving the clubhouse, kitchen and grounds cleaned with the exception
of scrubbing the floor. All kitchen equipment must be cleaned and returned to
its storage location. Tables and chairs are to be put away.
- Providing a complete accounting of event income and expenses along
with any request for reimbursement within one week of the conclusion of the
event to the Treasurer.
- Providing a report on the event for the benefit of future Event Chairmen.
- If there is no Event Chair, the responsibilities are assumed by the
Vice Commodore.
- A Special Interest Event is an event not applicable to the membership as
a whole (e.g. Laser Invitational, Adams Cup, C-15's, etc.). The Board of Governors
must review and approve the plan and budget for a Special Interest Event prior to
any money being committed. If the Board elects to financially support a Special
Interest Event, a dollar figure will be specified and that amount given to the Event
Chairman for his discretionary use. The Club will not be responsible for any other
costs incurred by the event. Absolutely no charges are to be made against the
Club for anything involved in a Special Interest event (e.g. food, beverage,
entertainment, awards, etc.) without Board approval.
Kitchen Coordinator
Reports to the Vice Commodore and is responsible for:
- Maintaining the supply of common kitchen items. These are the non-
perishable items which are not normally purchased individually for each event. A list of these items shall be available for Event Chairs.
- Acting as source of information for Event Chairs on preparing and
serving food at the Club.
- Coordination of the use of excess food from one event at subsequent
- Establishing rules and controls for kitchen use.
- Advising the Clubhouse Chair of maintenance, repairs and improvements
required in the kitchen area.
- Conducting periodic inventories of kitchen equipment, utensils, food and
paper goods and making recommendations for resupply.
Bar Coordinator
Reports to the Vice Commodore and is responsible for:
- Ensuring that the bar is stocked appropriately including associated supplies (e.g. cups, napkins, beer, wine, CO2, etc.) for those events in which the bar is open.
- Establishing rules and controls for bar use.
- Acting as source of information for Event Chairman.
- Advising the House Chairman of maintenance, repairs and improvements
required in the bar area.
Junior Program Chair
Reports to the Vice Commodore and is responsible for:
- Planning and conducting all sailing activities relating to juniors. These normally are of two types; classes with instruction and a series of competitive events.
- Preparing a budget for these events and establishing entry or attendance fees.
- Establishing and implementing rules and practices to ensure the safety of participants, competitors and instructors and the protection of Club boats and property.
- A report on the Junior Program shall be made to the Board annually (usually during the first quarter of the year) through the Vice Commodore.
Club Boat Chair
Reports to the Vice Commodore and is responsible for:
- The maintenance and upkeep of the Club Sunfish and other training sail craft owned by the Club and the storage facilities for these boats.
- Administering rules and procedures governing the use of these boats.
- Determining the suitability of these boats and effecting improvements, requesting funds if required.
- A report on the condition of Club boats shall be made to the Board annually (usually during the first quarter of the year) through the Vice Commodore.
Women's Program Chair
Reports to the Vice Commodore and is responsible for organizing activities of interest to women. These can be instructional or social activities for the benefit of women or the entire Club membership.
Cruising Program Chair
Reports to the Vice Commodore and is responsible for organizing activities related to cruising. This can include overnight raft- ups, trips to lake side restaurants, and races.
Clubhouse Chair
Reports to the Rear Commodore and is responsible for:
- The maintenance and upkeep of the clubhouse building and associated fixtures, furnishings and equipment.
- Administering rules governing the use of the clubhouse.
- Communication with the Kitchen and Bar Chairpersons.
- Determining the suitability of the clubhouse and effecting improvements, requesting funds if required.
- A report on the condition of the clubhouse shall be made to the Board annually (usually during the first quarter of the year) through the Rear Commodore.
- The work of carrying out these responsibilities can be performed by the chairman, Club members, contact labor, or the Caretaker as determined by the
chairman. Assignments to the Caretaker, which are not routine, or contract labor require the Commodore’s and Rear Commodore's approval.
Grounds and Roads Chair
Reports to the Rear Commodore and is responsible for:
- The maintenance and upkeep of the grounds of the Club except those assigned to other chairman (e.g. beach, camper area, Yardmaster, haul-out) and
the roads on the Club property, including the road from the highway.
- The entrance gate but not the opener mechanism.
- Determining the suitability and adequate appearance of the grounds and roads and effecting improvements, requesting funds if required.
- A report on the condition of the grounds and roads shall be made to the Board annually (usually during the first quarter of the year) through the Rear Commodore.
Utilities Chair
Reports to the Rear Commodore and is responsible for:
- The maintenance and upkeep of the plumbing, water, sewer and electrical systems both inside and outside of the Club buildings and up to the shut
off valves and distribution panels for the docks. The main gate opener.
- Determining the suitability of the utility systems and effecting improvements, requesting funds if required.
- The water system per House & Ground Rules Article 35.
- A report on the condition of these systems shall be made to the Board annually (usually during the first quarter of the year) through the Rear Commodore.
Beach Chair
Reports to the Rear Commodore and is responsible for:
- Maintenance and upkeep of the beach and swimming area floats.
- Maintenance and upkeep of all of the area outside the road from the East Point Pavilion to the East Courtesy dock in Hardin Cove.
- Maintenance and upkeep of The East Point Pavilion (except plumbing and electrical) and the grounds around the East Point Pavilion.
- Administering rules and procedures governing the use of these facilities.
- Determining the suitability of these facilities and effecting improvements, requesting funds if required.
- A report on the condition of these facilities shall be made to the Board annually, (usually during the first quarter of the year) through the Rear Commodore.
East Point Mayor
Reports to the Rear Commodore and is responsible for:
- Acting as chairman of the East Point Committee which manages the
Transient, Permanent, Tent and Regatta Campsites in accordance with House &
Ground Rules Article 23 & 24.
Reports to the Rear Commodore and is responsible for:
- Duties defined in Article 30 of the House & Ground Rules.
- The maintenance and upkeep of: The boat storage areas and the Boneyard. The West Point wash house, except plumbing and electrical. All Club property west of the entrance road and west of the cottages,
except for the haul-out facilities.
- Administering the procedure of assigning parking spaces and handling
derelict boats.
- Assisting the Treasurer in recording the ownership of boats or boat
storage spaces on the Club property for billing purposes.
- Determining the suitability of these facilities and effecting improvements, requesting funds if required.
- A report on the condition of these facilities shall be made to the Board annually (usually during the first quarter of the year) through the Rear Commodore and will
include a status report on condition of boats stored in the boat storage area and
trailers in the boneyard.
Haul Out Facilities Chair
Reports to the Rear Commodore and is responsible for:
- The maintenance and upkeep of the boat haul-out ramp, the boat hauling
dollies, the air compressor and the jib pole.
- Administering rules and procedures governing the use of the haul-out
- Providing a source of information for members on the use and techniques
for the use of these facilities.
- Maintaining the waiting list for the use of the haul-out facilities.
- Monitor ongoing work for compliance with existing rules governing use,
housekeeping, and schedule.
- Determining the suitability of these facilities and effecting improvements, requesting funds if necessary.
- A report on the condition of these facilities is to be given to the Board annually (usually during the first quarter of the year) through the Rear Commodore.
Reports to the Treasurer and is responsible for:
- Implementation of the accounts receivable, accounts payable and payroll
process with a system approved by the Treasurer.
- Maintaining the general ledger and bank records including reconciliations.
- Maintains the official list of Club membership.
- Performing other financially related activities at the request of the
- The Bookkeeper is a paid position.
Dock Captains
Appointed by the Board and report to the Dock Authority. A Dock Captain is assigned to each of the six cruising docks and is responsible for
- Conducting periodic inspections of their assigned docks and advising
slipholders and/or the Dock Authority of deficiencies.
- Acting as ex-officio members of the Dock Authority.
- Advising and assisting the Dock Authority with their duties in accordance
the House and Ground Rules, Appendix F.