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Hurricane Helene Recovery

On September 27, 2024 Hurricane Helene tore through our club grounds, leaving devastation in its wake. Over 1200 trees were lost, creating a massive need for removal and restoration. The costs are staggering, with estimates reaching several hundreds of thousands of dollars just for tree removal. As a volunteer-run organization, the Augusta Sailing Club relies on the passion and dedication of its members and supporters. We are so appreciative to all those that have reached out wanting to help.

Please follow along with our recovery updates below.

If interested in helping to support our recovery, donations may be made with the below link or by mailing a check to the below address. Thank you for being a part of our community
- let's set sail toward recovery together.

Hurricane Helene Recovery Fund

Checks should be made to "Augusta Sailing Club"
P.O. Box 1938, Evans, GA 30809

Hurricane Helene

Subject: Hurricane Recovery Update/Member Vote Coming Soon/ Town Hall Planned Feb 18th

Dear Members,

Town Hall on Tues, Feb 18 from 6:30-8:00pm, ASC Clubhouse/Zoom

The Town Hall will be focused on ASC Recovery efforts and open to Member Q&A.

Member Vote Coming Soon

ASC has two loans in play:  1) ASC borrowed $430,000 in October 2024, from six members as a bridge loan to pay tree removal costs, and 2) ASC is nearing final approval for an SBA Disaster Loan which offers better terms to pay off the member bridge loan. Both loans require collateral which requires majority approval of our voting members.  We expect to email a ballot to voting members within the next two weeks.

Feb 5, 2025 Hurricane Recovery Update:

Recovery Costs

The Board initially estimated recovery costs at $800,000 for fully contracted repairs. Now that we have clearer figures, we expect total recovery expenses to be around $600,000—a significant reduction from our early projections.

Insurance Update

At first, our insurance payouts looked bleak. We received two checks totaling just over $20,000, and as expected, our $500,000 tree removal claim was denied. However, much of our property damage – buildings, docks, and the club-owned camper – was also overlooked or denied in the initial claim.

Thanks to the efforts of Dan West and Rob Caison, who resubmitted detailed damage assessments, our insurer (Auto-Owners) reassessed the claim. As a result, ASC is now set to receive over $172,000, plus $27,000 from Chubb for damaged boats. That brings total insurance payments to nearly $200,000—a major turnaround.

Donations & Member Support

To date, we have received $35,593 in contributions from members and outside donors. This generosity has helped cover operating expenses over the past four months, and we are deeply grateful for your support.

Member Bridge Loan

To cover the urgent cost of removing 1,200 trees and stumps, the Board secured a $430,000 bridge loan from six members. This loan carries an 8% interest rate (Prime + 0.5%) and is amortized over five years.

  • Monthly payment: $8,719

  • Annual payment: $104,628

  • Total interest over five years: $93,131

If we continue with this loan, the lenders require collateral, which must be approved by a member vote.

SBA Disaster Loan – A Better Option

To replace the bridge loan with a lower-cost alternative, we applied for a U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Disaster Loan. ASC qualifies for the lowest government rate:

  • 3.25% fixed interest rate

  • 10- to 15-year repayment term

  • Pre-approved for up to $500,000

We had to pause the loan to update our insurance documentation, but we have since resubmitted everything. We are nearing final approval for an SBA loan between $300,000 and $500,000. Like the bridge loan, the SBA loan requires collateral, meaning a member vote is needed for approval.

Commodore’s Recommendation

It would be unwise to pass up the SBA Disaster Loan. This is a federally backed, low-interest loan designed for non-profits recovering from disasters. There is no lower-cost financing available.

I strongly recommend:

  1. Accepting the SBA loan (at least $300,000, or more if approved).

  2. Using the SBA loan plus insurance funds to pay off the more expensive member loan and contract out more of our dock and building repairs.

  3. Allocating any remaining insurance money to Capital Reserves to strengthen ASC’s financial position.

With this approach, no special assessment on members should be necessary.

Your prompt response to the email ballot will be crucial – we need your vote to secure proper financing and move forward.

Thank you for your support in helping ASC recover and thrive.

Bob Damen

ASC Hurricane Recovery Update - January 28th

Volunteers Are Needed: 
1) Need individuals to spread pine straw, during the week is best, or over the weekends. 
2) Need individuals to help install new shore anchors for the docks.  Working with Jack, we will be mixing 60 lb bags of concrete and filling anchor holes with approx. 12 bags per hole.  Again, during the week is best, or over the weekend.  Text Jack Gimble 706-305-7357 if you can help and he will coordinate the workdays.

Drive Carefully when approaching the Army Corps of Engineers clearing near our entrance gate.  Soon, the large debris trucks we are all familiar with will be crossing our road, 7 days per week during daylight hours for about 4 months.  We asked the COE to post caution signs to warn their trucks when they approach the Sailing Club Road crossing.  But even so, I’m sure these trucks are bigger than your truck, so please slow down, and look both ways before crossing.

Another ASC Town Hall is being scheduled in mid-February.  This is planned to be a thorough review of our recovery plans and recovery financing with a member vote on financing options.  I encourage voting members to attend in person, but the meeting will also be streamed via Zoom.  Stay tuned for more details.

ASC Hurricane Recovery Update - December 18th

Dear Members,
We are pleased to report the last crushed camper has been removed and Jack Gimble has begun grading the East Point grounds. The owner of the sunken boat in our mooring field had it moved to the shoreline of our haul out facility and now, this member needs to have the boat removed from the property. The steel components for repairing the C Dock gangway have been fabricated and repairs should begin this week. Next week, the broken water valve serving East Point is scheduled for repair.

A recovery committee chaired by Bob Rickerman is focused on our Building, Infrastructure, Grounds and Docks and has prioritized repairs based on safety, urgency, and cost with a plan to manage the workload and level-spread our repair costs throughout 2025.
The total amount borrowed for hurricane recovery to date is $430,000. The Board is still finalizing the loan agreement which will require a vote of approval from our members. The private lender LLC we are working with is requesting collateral for the loan which per our By-Laws, requires a majority member vote. The loan is based on Prime + .5% which is currently 8.25%. While we are grateful for the immediate access to these funds which were necessary to meet unprecedented and urgent requirements, we have been working on alternate Financing Options. We are close to having a similar loan arrangement with a separate private lender LLC based on LIBOR + .5% which is currently 5.35%, lowering our interest costs. As Fed rates continue to drop the trend will continue to lower our debt position. As we work the details and pursue a lower loan rate, you will be fully informed.

It is the holiday season and we were treated to a warm and welcome Light the Lake event last Saturday; Fall Series racing continues this Saturday; and we are all looking forward to the Hangover Regatta and New Year’s dinner on January 1.

The Army Corps of Engineers has cleared a wide swath through the woods, creating a dirt logging road from Clarks Hill Road, across our Sailing Club Road, to the former Shawandasse property which will become a temporary wood chipping site. Debris filled trucks will be crossing our road during daylight hours, 12 hours per day/7 days per week for approximately 120 days beginning in early 2025. Please approach this spot slowly and look for cross traffic.

Important: verify and update your Volunteer Hours before the end of December. Go to, log in as a member and click on the Volunteer link. Make sure your hours are correct because the fee for unfulfilled volunteer hours will be added after the end of this month.

Finally, let me add that transparency is essential for the Board and our members to function well and be our best. Since September, the Board held 9 Board Meetings, and 2 Town Hall Meetings open to all the members. In addition, the Commodore issued numerous email updates such as this one, to keep members informed. I encourage all members to be informed, attend the meetings, volunteer to help, and talk to your Board of Governors about the issues. We are stronger when we work together.

I want to thank our newest Past Commodore Tim Sparks for the outstanding work he has provided this past year. Hurricane Helene hit our Club hard, but Commodore Sparks has helped us right the ship. Thank you to our outgoing Governors Brian Slater, Brett Gorrell, and Michael Gaines, and to outgoing Past Commodore Kevin Kilchenstein.

Bob Damen

ASC Hurricane Recovery Update - October 27th

Dear Members,
We had a tremendous turnout on Saturday for our all-hands volunteer cleanup, cookout, and town hall meeting. Over 100 members showed up to help clean up our club grounds. It is truly amazing what ASC can do when we pull together. Thank you to everyone who was able to come out and lend a hand. Look for more opportunities in the near future to continue our member-led cleanup and recovery. In fact, anytime anyone has time during the week, feel free to come out and continue with the raking up of small debris. Jack will collect the debris piles with the tractor to dispose of them. FEMA has begun collecting the debris along the highway.
For those members who were unable to attend the town hall meeting after the cleanup and cookout, the brief is posted online, as well as a short video collage of the hurricane damage. The town hall meeting covered hurricane damage, repair progress, estimated recovery costs, options to fund the recovery, the current status of our financials, as well as discussion about the way ahead. Thank you to the many volunteers who signed up to help in the various focus areas of our long-term recovery.

Finally, everyone is encouraged to regularly review the club calendar for upcoming club events like the annual dinner on 08 November and the beginning of the fall series on 09 November. The annual dinner is a critically important event in the life of our club and this year will be the first time in many years that the dinner will be held at the club. Please register and come out for a great dinner and camaraderie. This past Saturday marked our first organized event since Hurricane Helene left its path of destruction, and today witnessed high school sailing practice and a club member’s retirement party at the clubhouse taking place. While there is still more to be done for our recovery, we should all rejoice in the fact that members are sailing again and enjoying time with one another at the club!

Tim Sparks

ASC Hurricane Recovery Update - October 19th

Dear Members,
It has been three weeks since Hurricane Helene wreaked havoc across our area and we hope you are all making good progress on your recoveries at home. At ASC, I am pleased to report that our contracted tree removal company completed their work yesterday, removing an estimated 1,100 trees and removing or grinding stumps from the developed areas of our grounds. More than 100 truckloads of trees and stumps have been removed and placed along Hwy 221 for eventual pickup by FEMA. The heavy machinery and trucks are no longer operating on our club grounds.

We are now able to press forward with the permanent repair of our water pipes and broken electrical boxes and lines. Water is not operational at the Clubhouse until repairs are completed today. East Point continues to be without water and is not usable. The electrician is making excellent progress, completing the rewiring and restoration of the electrical service to D Dock as of yesterday.

Permanent repairs to docks and dock anchors and buildings are still ongoing and will take more time. With the tree equipment off our roads, personal property that was crushed by fallen trees will still need to be removed. We encourage owners of damaged property to inspect your property and coordinate with your insurance adjustors, but please keep our roadways clear for others. We encourage boat owners to inspect your boats and make sure your boats drain properly and bilge pumps are operating.

On Saturday, 26 October, we scheduled an all-hands, volunteer cleanup effort and a cookout, followed by a “town hall” session to seek member input to help chart our path forward. Please bring rakes and useful tools from home with you and again, wear gloves and closed-toe shoes to prevent possible injury from unknown hazards on the ground because of the uprooted trees and other debris. This is not a typical cleanup day, the amount of debris, footing hazards and displaced ground and rocks will make this challenging and we need as many volunteers as possible. Please check the website for the announcement and volunteer signup sheet.

I am greatly encouraged by the willingness, teamwork, and can-do spirit expressed by so many members to quickly make ASC whole again and even better going forward.

Tim Sparks

ASC Hurricane Recovery Update - October 14th

Dear Members,
This morning we met again with the contracted tree removal company to assess progress. Please know that club officers and designated representatives have been at the club coordinating recovery and repair efforts every day since Hurricane Helene tore through on September 27th. The next four days of contracted tree removal work will consist of crews utilizing a large excavator and grinders to remove or dispose of tree stumps throughout the property. The crews are also still identifying and removing any remaining leaners and snags that could pose a hazard. The anticipated completion date for all of the tree removal work is Friday, 18 October.

The identification and repair of broken water pipes, sewage lines, electrical service to individual locations, permanent repairs to docks and dock anchors and buildings are ongoing and will take more time. Additionally, personal property that was crushed by fallen trees will still need to be removed, once the contracted tree removal company is complete with their work.

Please continue to remain clear of the club through Friday unless checking on personal property. If you do come to check on your property, please continue to park at the clubhouse so as not to impede the crews operating the debris haulers, excavator, and bobcats.

On Saturday, 26 October, we are planning an all-hands, volunteer cleanup effort and a cookout, followed by a “town hall” session to seek member input to help chart our path forward. Everyone who comes out on the 26th is encouraged to wear gloves and closed-toe shoes to prevent possible injury from unknown sharp hazards that may now be present on the ground as a result of the uprooted trees and other debris. Please check the website for the announcement and volunteer signup sheet.

Thank you all for your continued patience and understanding as we forge ahead and get back on course. A tremendous amount of work has been accomplished since 27 September to make the grounds safe and usable again and it has not been cheap, however, I am greatly encouraged by the willingness, teamwork, and can-do spirit expressed by so many members to quickly make ASC whole again and even better going forward.

Tim Sparks

ASC Hurricane Recovery Update- October 10th

Dear Members,
The tree & debris removal company is shifting into high gear with additional crews and trucks, so they can finish the cleanup of ASC grounds and get all of the debris to the road for FEMA pickup. Please remain clear of the grounds for the next several days so as not to impede their work.  We will advise everyone once it is ok to return.

We anticipate having an "all hands, on deck" member-volunteer cleanup day and cookout once the tree & debris removal crew has departed.  Look for an announcement about details soon.  Additionally, the annual meeting and dinner on 08 November have been moved back to the clubhouse. This was done as a cost-saving measure and to better facilitate camaraderie as we right-the-ship and get back on course after Hurricane Helene.  Thank you all for your spirit of togetherness and family as we make our beautiful sailing club whole again.
Tim Sparks

ASC Hurricane Recovery Update- October 9th

Dear Members,
Power has been partially restored to the club grounds and docks. A, E & F docks now have power. B & C docks are being inspected. D dock will be without power until repairs can be made. As you check your boat lines, batteries and bilges, please be mindful of the tree crews still working. Please continue to park at the clubhouse and dry storage area. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work diligently to restore our club to a safe operating condition.
Thank you, 
Tim Sparks

ASC Hurricane Recovery Update- October 5th

Dear Members,
The tree removal company continues to make excellent progress and is presently tackling leaners, snags, and moving cut timber after clearing most of the club’s roads. If you need to check on personal property (boat bilges, campers, and cottages), please do so, but please remain clear of the tree removal crews. You may park near west ramp or at the clubhouse.
Club representatives will be meeting with our insurance adjuster tomorrow. We will have a better idea of the path ahead and our next steps in the coming days. Please stay safe.
Tim Sparks

ASC Hurricane Recovery Update- October 2nd

ASC Members,
The tree removal company is working diligently removing trees from the road ways. They have made their way to East Point but will probably need another 2 days until we have access to the docks. Dock Captains have been asked to check their assigned docks and contact any members that may have loose lines or boat damage. If you have any questions about your boat, please contact your Dock Captain.
We ask that you please wait to come to the club while the crew continues to clear the road. We have many hanging branches and leaners that are dangerous. If you must come to the club to check on your personal property, please park either at the west dry storage or at the clubhouse. Do not bring kids or pets. And please do not come just to look around. We need to stay out of the crew’s way. 
Thank you for your patience and understanding, 
Tim Sparks

ASC Hurricane Recovery Update- September 30th

ASC Members,

The club experienced a significant loss when Hurricane Helene passed through Friday morning.


The 15 acres that the Augusta Sailing Club owns have been severely damaged. The initial count is nearly 900 trees down on club grounds and along the entrance to the club. This does not include the leaners and snags that will need to come down soon for safety. A preliminary estimate is that this affected 50-80% of the club trees depending on location. The east side of the club is worse than the west.


The best news is the clubhouse, harbor building, west point bathrooms, and gatehouse are virtually unscathed. The east point pavilion has some damage, while the maintenance building is significantly damaged.


Boats in wet slips fared very well. A few broke lines and 5 had jibs that have been resecured.


Dry storage fared well. However, the boats and trailers in the boneyard did not. Several campers and cottages sustained damage as well.


B, C, D, E and F docks have compromised shore anchors that need to be secured. D and C dock bridges have been damaged. 


The tree removal service has cleared the road to just past the caretaker's house and is working toward the clubhouse and east point. 


We are in the process of filing a claim with our insurance company. Additionally, two members have stepped up to fund/loan the cost to make things happen regardless of insurance.


It is still not safe for members to access the club. Right now we need to keep the roads clear for the tree removal crews. Also, there are no utility services at the club.


Thank you again for your patience.We will keep you advised.

Tim Sparks

ASC Hurricane Recovery Update- September 28th

ASC Members, we have contracted with a reputable tree removal service that will begin removing trees along the roads at the club tomorrow. It is expected to take them about a week. At this time, it is not safe for members. We ask that everyone stay home until we announce that it is safe to return. In the meantime, please take care of your families and stay safe. We will be in touch soon.

ASC Hurricane Helene- September 27th

We hope that everyone is safe after Hurricane Helene. Unfortunately, the club has many trees down and some powerlines. We ask that members do not come out to the club until your hear from us that it is safe. We hope to have more details soon. Thanks for your patience,